Cooking Lab Performance Evaluation
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Lack of effort, improper behavior or use of equipment, wandered out of lab
Participated with only minimal effort, tendency to wander, minimal cleanup effort, skill level needs improvement
Practiced good teamwork skills, completed kitchen duties, shows professionalism, good attitude, shows creativity, practices good techniques
Shows leadership skills, shows professionalism, completes all kitchen duties, mastered techniques,practices excellent expecting skills
Did not measure out all the ingredients, did not read recipe before beginning preparation, missed a step
Student completed most of preparation steps but missed one or more of the procedures. Wandered out of the lab during the process
Student completed all the steps but did not use time management.
Student practiced excellent time management in preparation procedures and completed task and recipe successfully.
Student did not focus on the task at hand, left equipment on stove unattended, did not control heat, did not follow instructions.
Student attempted tasks but got distracted or did not complete assigned task, followed only part of the instructions.
Student showed proper cooking methods and techniques, but did not practice good time management.
Student demonstrated proper cooking techniques, shows professionalism, completed all instructions successfully, and finished expeditiously.
Safety and Sanitation
Students did not demonstrate proper safety and sanitation practices such as using equipment appropriately, handwashing, sanitizing, cleaning up as needed, dishwashing and final cleanup.
Student only demonstrated some safety and sanitation practices.
Student demonstrated proper safety and sanitation practices most of the time.
Student demonstrated proper safety and sanitation practices and corrected others in the group.
Student did not complete assigned kitchen duties.
Student only partially completed kitchen duties.
Student completed most kitchen duties.
Student completed all kitchen duties and helped other students as needed.

Teacher Comments:


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