Food Glorious Food in IT
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Opens a word document and Internet search engine
Is beginning to develop the concept of opening a word document and Internet search engine.
Is still developing an understanding of how to open a word document and Internet research engine.
Has accomplished the task of opening a word document and an Internet research engine with little guidance.
Has mastered the skill of opening a word document and Internet search engine with no help.
Dragging and dropping
Is beginning to drag and drop objects with a lot of assistance
Is still developing the skill of dragging and dropping but with little assistance
Accomplishes the skill of dragging and dropping with no assistance
Has mastered the skill of dragging and dropping and worked independently
Increases and decreases picture size
Is beginning to increase and decrease picture size with a lot of assistance
Is still developing this skill with little assistance
Has accomplished this skill with no assistance
Has mastered the skill of increasing and decreasing picture size
Saving work in pupil data
Is beginning to save work in pupil data with a lot of assistance
Is developing the skill of saving work in pupil data with little assistance
Has accomplished the skill of saving work in pupil data with no assistance
Has mastered the skill of saving work to pupil data
Increases and decreases screen size
Is beginning to increase and decrease the screen size with a lot of assistance
Is developing the skill of increasing and decreasing the screen size with a lot of assistance
Has accomplished the skill of increasing and decreasing the screen size with no assistance
Has mastered the skill of increasing and decreasing the screen size

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