Healthy Lifestyles Park
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Largest Area Rectangle
Made no attempt to get the right answer
Made attempts to figure out the problem but did not get the right answer
Chose an answer that provided a large rectangle but not the largest
Correctly figuring out the answer
No attempt to provide specific measurements and decide upon the required number of activities. No attempt to choose the correct activity types.
There were less than the required number of activities and they special measurements were incorrect. Some activity types were not correct.
Incorporated the correct number of activities and most elements fit into the space but some were not fully correct. All activity types were correct/
The correct number and type of activities were chosen that fit into the required space correctly. The Space is not cluttered and access to all activities is available with ease.
Park Layout
Very little attempt to create a useable space based on the requirements.
Many errors in measurements and calculations for the activities and equipment and minimum use of facility buildings. Area of some buildings not calculated correctly.
Barely squishing the activities and buildings into the required space and some facility buildings were missing but the ones included were measured correctly
Everything fits into the required space and park facilities were correctly sized and included
Logo/Name for Park
No logo was chosen and park name lacks originality or missing.
No use of color and park name arbitrarily chosen
Shows originality and use of one or two colors only. Park name thoughtfully labeled
Shows originality in design and multiple colors used and the park name was thoughtfully labeled

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