How To Be A Good Friend
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Am I nice to others?
Student does not show cordial behavior towards others.
Student attempts to be nice but only to get something in return.
Student is nice to others in most situations.
Student is nice to others regardless of the situation or reward.
Do I ask others about their interests and actually listen to their answer?
Student does not ask others about their interests and dominates the conversation.
Student asks a few questions but does not listen to the answers.
Student asks some questions and continues to ask the same type of questions.
Student asks many questions and listens to answers by commenting on them or asking follow up questions.
Do I do fun things with others and share?
Student is isolated and does not share with others.
Student has a few friends but is not good at sharing.
Student has a few to many friends and shares a few items.
Student has a few close friends or many friends and shares numerous items with them.
Do I give others compliments when I see them doing something good?
Student does not give compliments to others.
Student rarely gives compliments.
Student gives a few complements in a few situations.
Student frequently gives compliments in a variety of situations.
Do I encourage others when they are sad?
Student mocks others when they are sad.
Student ignores others when they are sad.
Student makes an attempt to encourage or console others when they are sad.
Student is by others' side with encouragement and consolation when others are sad.

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