Lunch is Served
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Science: Chose healthy and nutritious menu items
Student included less than two healthy and nutritious food choices. (1-0 food choices)
Students included two healthy and nutritious food choices. (2 food choices)
Student included three healthy and nutritious food choices. (3 food choices)
Student included four or more healthy and nutritious food choices. (4 or more food choices)
Technology and Presentation: Included multimedia components and visual displays in presentation when appropriate to enhance the main idea or themes.
The student chose less than two appropriate pictures and prices. (0-1 pictures and prices)
The student chose two appropriate pictures and prices. (2 pictures and prices)
The student chose three appropriate pictures and prices. (3 pictures and prices)
The student chose four or more appropriate pictures and prices. (4 or more pictures and prices)
Presentation of ideas: Report on restaurant menu, sequencing ideas was logical using descriptive details to support the theme.
The student presented menu ideas in an appropriate sequence using appropriate descriptive details.
The student presented menu ideas in a mostly sequential manner mostly using descriptive details.
The student presented menu ideas in a sequential manner using a few descriptive details.
The student presented menu ideas with no sequential order without descriptive details.
Presented project in a clear and understandable pace.
The student spoke clearly and at an understandable pace.
The student mostly spoke clearly and at a mostly understandable pace.
The student spoke some what clearly ant at a some what understandable pace.
The student did not speak clearly and did not use an understandable pace.

Teacher Comments:


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