Neighborhood Collage
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Gathered artifacts either from magazines, paper, fabric, imagination or from home.
Assisted others with their project but did not create one of his or her own.
Developing skills in gathering artifacts. Brought in a few artifacts, and cut out clippings.
Brought in artifacts and cut out objects that were in keeping with the designated project theme.
Brought in artifacts, and gathered them from magazines, created his or her own from creative ideas. Assisted others with their projects.
Created a building using artifacts and design a unique creative piece
did not attempt or failed to completed more than 50% of the assignment.
contributed to the group at least 50% of the time. Created a individually thought out project with personal artifacts.
Well thought out contributions as artifacts, and well organized. Personality is seen with in the project.
A well organized project with personal artifacts, and creative development. Well articulated in design.
Contributions to the groups during project development and during group discussions.
Failed to contribute during group discussion, or was interfering. Causing disruptions.
Able to marginally contribute to group. Making improvements in communication. Shares his or her project.
Able to share their contributions and explain the use of artifacts with in the piece. Able to contribute project and share insights on community and culture.
Able to share contributions and explain artifacts used for community project. Well developed insights on community and culture. Well developed written piece.

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