Personal Logo
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
The assignment was turned in, but showed minimal effort and lack of planning.
Half or fewer elements of the logo appear to be carefully planned and executed. Approaching expectations.
Some elements of the logo were carefully planned and executed and the finished design met expectations.
All or most elements of the logo were carefully planned and executed to make a logo that makes sense and communicates an idea. Exceeds expectations.
Craftsmanship and Neatness
Little to no effort to keep the project neat and undamaged, and lack of pride in finished artwork.
Craftsmanship is average but not as good as the student's previous work. The project may have minor damage.
Overall, the project is thoughtful, clean and does not have any major damage (rips, tears, etc.).
All aspects of the project were considered and carefully completed. There is no damage to the project and the craftsmanship is excellent.
Time Management
Student did not use time wisely; little went into the artwork.
Time was not fully utilized. Little time went into planning and design. Student was sometimes off task or distracted.
Class time was used wisely. Student used almost all given time to plan and design.
Class time was used wisely. Student was self-motivated the whole time, seeking help when needed.
Execution, Originality, and Uniqueness
Artwork was not completed or very similar to samples/other student work.
Artwork was partially successful and had a few unique concepts.
Artwork was unique and communicated an idea.
Artwork was successfully completed from start to finish using an original approach. Student communicated a clear idea.

Teacher Comments:


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