Personal Portfolio
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Knowledge: (20%) Student shows understanding of the information discussed in class during the course of this unit.
Student shows little understanding of the information discussed in class during the course of this unit. Course information barely referred to in profile.
Student shows some understanding of the information discussed in class during the course of this unit. Half of course information referred to in profile.
Student shows understanding of the information discussed in class during the course of this unit. All of the course information referred to in profile.
Student shows understanding of the information discussed in class during the course of this unit. All of the course information referred to in profile and extra information added.
Knowledge: Student has connected their personality, interests and influences to course information.
Student has connected only one of the following: their personality, interests and influences to course information.
Student has connected two of the following: their personality, interests and influences to course information.
Student has connected the following: their personality, interests and influences to course information.
Student has connected all of the following: their personality, interests and influences to course information. Student has also added extra examples or information.
Thinking: (25%) Student has brainstormed different ways to display their information and provided reasons why they have chosen one.
Student has brainstormed 1 way to display their information. No reason was provided.
Student has brainstormed 2 different ways to display their information and provided 1-2 reason why they have chosen one.
Student has brainstormed 3 different ways to display their information and provided 3-4 reasons why they have chosen one.
Student has brainstormed 4 or more different ways to display their information and provided 5+ reasons why they have chosen one.
Thinking: Student has suggested ways in which to organize their information. Plan takes into account additional information to be added throughout the course.
Student has suggested 1 way in which to organize their information. Plan does not take into account additional information to be added throughout the course.
Student has suggested 2-3 ways in which to organize their information. Has a limited plan for additional information to be added throughout the course.
Student has suggested 4-5 ways in which to organize their information. Plan takes into account additional information to be added throughout the course.
Student has suggested 6+ ways in which to organize their information. Plan takes into account additional information to be added throughout the course. Creativity is shown for adding additional information.
Communication: (20%) Students have developed a step by step plan to structure the development of this project through each of the units.
Students have developed a very basic plan to structure the development of this project through each of the units. Plan is not throughout out passed the first unit.
Students have developed a basic step by step plan to structure the development of this project through each of the units. Steps are there but information is missing.
Students have developed a step by step plan to structure the development of this project through each of the units.
Students have developed a step by step plan to structure the development of this project through each of the units. Students have brainstormed additional information or creative tasks.

Teacher Comments:


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