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Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
All requirements are included (number of sentences, rough copy, etc.).
The student did not meet the requirement in two or more areas.
The student did not meet the requirement in one area.
The student met all the requirements.
The student added more (i.e.: more sentences).
Student used proper spelling and grammar throughout the project.
Student made several errors in spelling and/or grammar.
Student had some errors in spelling and/or grammar.
Student had small errors in spelling and/or grammar.
Student had little to no errors in spelling and/or grammar.
Student was able to use the imperative properly (both in meaning and formation) throughout the project.
Student made several errors with the imperative.
Student had some errors with the imperative.
Student had small errors in the imperative.
Student had little to no errors with the imperative.
Student made their project look presentable, effective, and well put together.
Student did not meet the requirement.
Student had some difficulty meeting the requirement.
Student met the requirement.
Student surpassed the requirement.
Student presented their project with proper pronunciation, with enthusiasm, and did not just read from the page.
Student had several errors in pronunciation and/or relied on their page heavily.
Student had some errors in pronunciation and/or relied on their page frequently.
Student had few errors in pronunciation and/or relied on their page at times.
Student had little to no errors in pronunciation and/or did not rely on their page (or very little).

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