Weekly Home Economics Work
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Will complete all assigned class work.
Student made a good attempt and eventually was able to finish the work within a day or so.
Student needed more than 3 reminders to finish the work on time.
Student completed all work on time with more than 1 but less than 3 reminders.
Student completed all work on time with one prompt or less prompts.
Will actively participate in class discussions or small group activities.
Student was disruptive after 1-2 prompts or actively refused to answer direct questions. Student was not attentive to the task.
Student needed more than 2 prompts to stop talking and/or get on task but was able to quiet down and listen and/or participate.
Student was quiet and listening to the discussion but did not volunteer answers. Student did answer direct questions.
Student listened and answered questions; joined in on the discussion. Student followed class expectations without cues.
Will follow class/program expectations.
Student did not have needed materials, was disruptive even after reminders, made continued disruptive comments. Left room/did work.
Student needed more than 2 prompts in class to do what was expected or get materials ready. Student did change behavior and comply.
Student had needed materials but needed 1-2 prompts to settle down, get quiet, stay on task or be respectful.
Student came to class prepared and ready to work. Student listened, followed directions and was respectful to all.
Will take home, complete and return homework assignments or study guides.
Student attempts the homework but turns it in well after (more than 2 days) the due date with or without the homework folder
Student takes their homework home, returns it with a good attempt made on due date or next day with the folder.
Student takes their homework home, completes it and returns it on due date without folder or the next day with folder.
Student takes their homework home, completes it and returns it on or before its due date in their homework folder.
Will complete and pass or meet a minimum score on a Quiz or Test on the topic TOPIC: _____________________
Student completes the quiz/test with ______ %score or higher. SCORE: ______________
Student completes the quiz/test with ______% score or higher. SCORE: ____________
Student completes the quiz/test with _____ % score or higher. SCORE: _____________
Student completes the quiz/test with ____ % score or higher. SCORE: _______________

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This rubric is from www.TeacherJet.com