ABC Poster with Pictures
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
has words and pictures fro 15-18 letters, no creativity, very disorganized, illegible
has words and pictures for 10-22 letters. Lack of creativity, disorganized, messy
Has words and pictures for 23-26 letters;creativity and organization; neatly done
Has words and pictures for all 26 letter; very creative;organized; very neatly done
between 5-8 entries completed with a score of 6 or better
between 9-11 entries completed with a score of 7 or better
between 12-15 entries completed with a score of 8 or better
All 15 summaries completed on time; page length with article attached
Presentation very softly only lasted less than 1 minute; no eye contact;voice couldn't be heard
Presentation lasted over under 2 minutes, poor eye contact, poor voice level
Presentation lasted over between 2-3 minutes, good eye contact, good voice level
Presentation lasted between 3 minutes; great eye contact; great voice level
Grammar and Mechanics
more than 7 grammar and mechanics mistakes
4-6 grammar and mechanics mistakes
only 1 to 3 grammar and mechanics mistakes
No Grammar and/or Mechanics mistakes
Content Knowledge
Limited knowledge; poor summary
Satisfactory knowledge; satisfactory summary
Good Knowledge of articles; good summary
Excellent knowledge of the articles; Excellent summary

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