Friendliness Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Greet Others
(Poor) Rarely greets others and makes eye contact. Rarely uses a pleasant voice tone and forgets to use person's name. Rarely participates in conversations with others. Rarely has appropriate conversations.
(Fair) Occasionally greets others and makes eye contact. Occasionally uses a pleasant voice tone and occasionally uses person's name. Occasionally participates in conversations with a few people and or has appropriate conversations.
(Good) Frequently greets others and makes eye contact. Frequently uses a pleasant voice tone and uses person's name. Frequently participates in conversations with most people and has appropriate conversations.
(Excellent)Always greets others and makes eye contact. Uses a pleasant voice tone and uses person's name. Participates in conversations with a variety of people and has appropriate conversations.
(Poor) Rarely shares or takes turns. Rarely offers compliments to anyone. Rarely says "thank you" when given a compliment.
(Fair) Occasionally shares or takes turns. Occasionally gives compliments to adults or a few people. Occasionally says "thank you" when given a compliment.
(Good)Frequently shares and takes turns. Frequently gives compliments to most people. Generally remembers to say "thank you" when given a compliment.
(Excellent) Always shares and takes turns. Gives compliments frequently to everyone. Always says "thank you" when given a compliment.
Role model
(Poor) Rarely makes poor choices and disrupts others class-time,lunchtime or playtime. Rarely offers to help peers or adults.
(Fair)Occasionally makes good choices and or disrupts others class-time, lunchtime or playtime. Occasionally offers to help or only wants to help certain people.
(Good)Frequently makes good choices and makes an effort not to disrupt others class-time, lunchtime or play time. Frequently offers help to most people.
(Excellent)Always makes good choices and encourages others to make good choices. Never disrupts others class-time,lunchtime or playtime. Always offers to help to everyone.
(Poor)Rarely, makes others feel welcome or accepted. Rarely makes an effort to include others in conversations and activities. Rarely resists or reports negative peer pressure.
(Fair)Occasionally makes others feel welcome and accepted. Occasionally makes an effort to include other in conversations and activities. Occasionally resists or reports negative peer pressure.
(Good)Frequently makes others feel welcome and accepted. Frequently makes an effort to includes others in conversations and activities. Frequently resist and reports negative peer pressure.
(Excellent)Always makes others feel welcome and accepted. Always makes an effort to include others in conversations and activities. Always resists and reports negative peer pressure.

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