Listening, Learning and Lunching
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Listening Skills
Unable to use active listening strategies to participate in situations.
Demonstrates limited ability to use active listening strategies to participate in situations.
Demonstrates considerable ability to use active listening strategies to participate in situations, meeting expectations.
Uses active listening strategies with a high degree of effectiveness to participate in situations, exceeding expectations.
Team Work
Rarely listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Often is not a good team player.
Often listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others, but sometimes is not a good team member.
Usually listens to, shares, with, and supports the efforts of others. Does not cause "waves" in the group.
Almost always listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Tries to keep people working well together.
Student has not made much attempt to meet the requirements of the assignment.
There is little evidence of creativity, but the student has completed the assignment.
Student has taken the technique being studied and has used source material as a starting place. The student's personality comes through in parts of their work.
Student has taken the technique being studied and applied it in a way that is totally his/her own. The student's personality/voice comes through.
Final product and presentation
Lacks visual appeal and final product is not indicative of any creative thought.
Presentation and final product is average but little creative thought is present.
Presentation and final product is good, with adequate creativity shown.
Excellent visual appeal and shows creativity. Thoughtful consideration of the brief was shown.
Ability to follow instructions
Brief not followed and instructions ignored.
Little attention paid to the brief and following instructions.
Brief followed well and good attention paid to most instructions.
Brief excellently followed and careful attention paid to instructions.

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