Literature Circle Assessment Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Rarely completes assigned reading on schedule. Demonstrates limited understanding of the text through the discussion and role fulfillment.
Sometimes has assigned reading completed on schedule. Demonstrates some understanding of the text through discussion and role fulfillment.
Has assigned reading completed on schedule. Demonstrates understanding of the text through the discussion and role fulfillment.
Has assigned reading completed on schedule. Demonstrates thorough understanding of the text through the discussion and role fulfillment.
Writing - Role Fulfillment
Rarely completes role tasks properly and not always on time. Tasks are done with little or no genuine effort. Many errors and/or omissions in spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Sometimes completes role tasks properly but not always on time. Tasks are done with minimal effort. Some errors and/or omissions in spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Completes role tasks independently and on time. Tasks are thoughtfully done with genuine effort. Few errors and/or omissions in spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Completes role tasks independently and on time. Tasks are thoughtfully done demonstrating extension of the activity. Few to no errors and/or omissions in spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Oral and Visual - Discussion
Does not participate in group discussions. Offers few opinions and makes no personal connections to the text. Doesn't ask or answer questions. Off task the majority of the time and disruptive to the group. Has difficulty paying attention to the speaker.
Participates reluctantly in group discussions. Offers few opinions and makes limited connections to the text. Asks or answers few questions. Sometimes follows the director's steps but is off task some of the time. Listens occasionally but doesn't interact with the information. Interrupts when others are contributing.
Participates competently in group discussions. Offers some insightful opinions and makes connection to the text. Will occasionally ask or answer thoughtful questions. Follows direction and is only off task occasionally. Listens carefully for information and comments occasionally. Usually respects the opinion of others and demonstrates a willingness to participate cooperatively.
Participates enthusiastically in group discussions. Offers insightful and thoughtful opinions and makes pertinent connection to the text. Asks or answers pertinent, thoughtful questions that extend beyond the text. Follows the discussion director's steps consistently. Listens to other people's ideas. "Piggybacks" or builds off others' ideas. Respects the opinions of others. Encourages and supports the ideas and efforts of others in a cooperative manner.

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