Teaching Inferring to Kindergarten Buddi
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Student will choose 12 sentences with unknown vocabulary words from a primary text and write these onto game cards. Words chosen will be words that are not easily understood out of context.
Student has between 6 or fewer words. Words chosen are easily recognizable and not challenging. Words are misspelled or sloppily written on cards.
Student has 7-8 words. Words are not challenging. Some words are misspelled or sloppily written on cards.
Student has 9-10 words. Words are fairly challenging. Most words are spelled correctly and easy to read on cards.
Student has 11-12 words. Words are all challenging. All words are spelled correctly and neatly written on cards.
Student will provide 3 definitions for the vocabulary word, 1 correct and 2 incorrect. The correct definition will not be obvious.
Student provides 2 or fewer definitions or the incorrect definitions are obviously incorrect.
Student provides 3 definitions, but the incorrect definitions are obviously incorrect.
Student provides 3 definitions. Incorrect definitions are not obviously incorrect, causing kindergarten buddy to really think.
Student provides 3 definitions. Incorrect definitions are not obviously incorrect. Choices are creative and clever.
Student will teach his or her kindergarten buddy how to determine the meaning of an unknown vocabulary word by using context clues.
Student has trouble explaining task to kindergarten buddy. Explanation is unclear and buddy is unable to understand. No reasons for answer are asked or given.
Student explains task clearly to kindergarten buddy, but is unable to answer buddy's questions. No reasons for answer are asked or given.
Student explains task clearly to kindergarten buddy and is able to answer any questions relevant to task. Student does not ask buddy for reason of his or her answer.
Student explains task clearly. Student is able to answer any questions relevant to task. Student asks kindergarten buddy for reason of his or her answer and guides buddy to correct answer.
Student will construct a gameboard with written rules that are easily understood.
Student constructs no game board and uses only the context clue cards.
Student constructs game board, but directions are missing or hard to understand. Game board is messy and hard to follow.
Student constructs game board and directions that are easy to understand. Game board is clear and easy to follow.
Student constructs game board that is appealing and decorated. Directions are easy to understand. Game board is clear and easy to follow.

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