New Learning School
Beginning Spanish
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
CREATIVITY: Presenting creative projects in a variety of formats.
Shows no creativity. Does not produce meaningful projects.
Shows little creativity. Demonstrates knowledge by producing projects with limited scope or depth.
Shows some creativity. Demonstrates knowledge by producing well-crafted products.
Shows a high degree of creativity. Demonstrates knowledge by producing original, distinctive products.
USE OF CORRECT GRAMMATICAL SYNTAX: Writing and speaking clearly and purposefully for a variety of audiences.
Displays little understanding of grammatical concepts with major errors. Does not use target language conventions adequately; Uses only simplistic modes of expression.
Displays some understanding of grammatical concepts with many errors. Displays some knowledge of target language; Uses limited modes of expression.
Displays adequate understanding of grammatical concepts with some errors. Displays a command of target language; Uses various modes of expression.
Displays thorough understanding of grammatical syntax with minimal errors. Displays mastery of target language; Uses sophisticated modes of expression.
PRONUNCIATION: Writing and speaking clearly and purposefully for a variety of audiences.
Incomprehensible pronunciation. Does not use target language conventions adequately; Uses only simplistic modes of expression.
Many errors in pronunciation common to second language learners. Displays some knowledge of target language; Uses limited modes of expression.
Makes minimal errors in pronunciation common to second language learners. Displays a command of target language; Uses various modes of expression.
Uses pronunciation and intonation patterns that approach those of a native speaker. Displays mastery of target language; Uses sophisticated modes of expression.
VOCABULARY AND SPELLING: Writing and speaking clearly and purposefully for a variety of audiences.
Inability to use vocabulary to convey ideas. Numerous spelling errors. Does not use target language conventions adequately; Uses only simplistic modes of expression.
Uses a limited number of words and phrases. Many spelling errors. Displays some knowledge of target language; Uses limited modes of expression.
Shows some understanding and use of common idiomatic expressions. Several spelling errors. Displays a command of target language; Uses various modes of expression.
Uses a great variety of vocabulary. Understands and uses idiomatic expressions. Few spelling errors. Displays mastery of target language; Uses sophisticated modes of expression.
PRESENTATION: Writing and speaking clearly and purposefully for a variety of audiences. Uses technology to present information.
Unintelligible; poor delivery. Does not use target language conventions adequately; Uses only simplistic modes of expression. Does not use appropriate technology.
Fair quality of delivery. Displays some knowledge of target language; Uses limited modes of expression. Uses technology with minimal skill; Has difficulty choosing appropriate technologies.
Good quality of delivery. Displays a command of target language; Uses various modes of expression. Uses technology skillfully with guidance; Chooses technologies appropriate to the task.
High quality of delivery; highly interesting. Displays mastery of target language; Uses sophisticated modes of expression. Uses technology independently and skillfully; Chooses technologies appropriate to the task, thereby enhancing the quality of the presentation.

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