ESL Assessments
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Speaking Assessment: Student will look at a picture of a fairy tale (Snow White) and retell the story with an alternate ending.
Incorrect or Omitted Retelling: The retelling consists of bits and pieces not tied to any plot. Student needs a lot of guidance and prompting at each stage of the retelling.
Fragmentary Retelling: The retelling has major holes: central characters left out, incorrect identification of the problem, inability to relate sequence, and/or essential plot points missing.
Partial Retelling: The retelling includes the plot and most major characters. Minor characters and setting may be absent. Events not essential to the plot are missing or out of order.
Complete and Detailed Retelling: The major plot elements are retold completely, accurately, and in order. All major characters are included. The problem and resolution are clear. The retelling includes details, minor characters, and nonessential events, but not at the expense of the main story. Shows evidence of student inferences and other comprehension skills.
 English Reading skill assessment (decoding skills and comprehension skills): Student will read a whodunit themed text silently and then answer multiple choice questions to test comprehension.
Student able to correctly answer 0 - 2 questions.
Student able to correctly answer 3 - 5 questions.
Student able to correctly answer 6 - 8 questions.
Student able to correctly answer 9 - 10 questions.
Writing Assessment: Student will be given a specific scenario (marooned on a deserted island) and be asked to write about which six items they would take with them and why.
Very few sentences are well constructed, or sentence structures are all very simple. Writing includes numerous errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation which makes reader's understanding difficult.
Some sentences are well constructed, while others contain serious errors. Use of complex sentence structure is limited. Writing includes a number of errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation which, at times, hinders reader's understanding.
Most sentences are well constructed with a number of mistakes. Some attempts at complex sentence structure are successful. Writing includes a relatively small number of errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation. However, reader's understanding is not impeded by these errors.
All sentences are well constructed with very few minor mistakes. Complex sentence structures are used effectively. Writing includes no or only very few minor errors in grammar, spelling.
 Listening skill assessment: Student will listen to a dialogue between a father and his daughter who is going on her first date then answer multiple choice questions to test comprehension.
Student able to correctly answer 0 - 1 questions.
Student able to correctly answer 2 - 3 questions.
Student able to correctly answer 4 - 5 questions.
Student able to correctly answer 6 - 7 questions.
Grammar Test: Preposition Cloze Test
Student able to correctly identify 0 - 5 prepositions.
Student able to correctly identify 6 - 10 prepositions.
Student able to correctly identify 11 - 15 prepositions.
Student able to correctly identify 16 - 20 prepositions.

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