French Oral Report Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Reading Comprehension. Quality of the reading process and extent of the understanding of the reading
Understands the general idea of the plot but leaves out most small details. May or may not express his/her personal views on the plot.
Understands the plot with some or more of the small details. May or may not express his/her personal views on the plot.
Understands the plot with half or more of the small details. Expresses his personal views on the plot and/or comments on the reading.
Understands the plot with all or most of the small details. Expresses his personal views on the plot and/or comments on the reading.
Delivery. Fluency. Quality of the oral production and presentation in front of the class
Use phrases,chunks,fragments of sentences, and /or very simple sentences
Speech is connected but frequently disrupted by search for correct form of expression. Exhibits disfluencies like "ahs" and "uhms"
Use fluent connected speech, occasionally disrupted by search for correct form of expression.
Use fluent connected speech with no "temps mort"
Use only basic vocabulary, possibly including phrasing or expressions from native/own language
Use some of the vocabulary and phrases from the reading. Does not go beyond the vocabulary from the reading.
Use most or all the vocabulary and phrases from the reading to describe the plot, as well as a small amount of researched vocabulary and phrases.
Use the vocabulary and phrases from the reading, as well as a good amount of researched vocabulary and phrases
Other students' questions on the reading.
Answers 0 or 1 question out of 4.
Answers 2 questions.
Answers 3 questions.
Answers 4 questions.
Uses basic grammar, basic structures, basic sentences. Makes errors which obscure meaning and calls for interpretation on the part of the listener.
Uses basic grammar, basic structures, basic sentences. Makes no or few errors which obscure the meaning or calls for interpretation on the part of the listener.
Controls indicative tenses, gender, number agreement. Uses some basic complex sentences with common conjunctions and/or relative pronouns.
Controls indicative tenses, as well as other tenses like subjunctive and/or conditional. Uses a variety of complex sentences with less common conjunctions and/or relative pronouns.

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