Japanese Level
Japan School Interaction Role Play
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Able to sustain conversation from memory
Well Below Less than 3 minutes and notes needed unprepared and unrehearsed
Approaching Less than 3 minutes and or notes used slightly unprepared and unrehearsed
Meets conversed for 3 minutes and no notes used prepared and practiced.
Exceeds, Meets with Excellence Conversed longer than 3 minutes and no notes used. Gestures and or aizuchi incorporated
Able to Tell about oneself
Well below Said no personal information
Approaching Said one or two things about self in the target language
Meets Said at least three information about themselves in the target language. May have used gestures and or aizuchi.
Exceeds, Meets with Excellence Said more than three personal information about self in the target language such as age, name, birthday, hobby, family, grade level, likes,dislikes, meishi exchange, relationships
Able to ask Questions
Well Below Asked no questions
Approaching Asked one or two relevant questions in the target language
Meets Asked three relevant questions in the target language
Exceeds, Meets with Excellence Asked more than three relevant questions in the target language
Able to explain areas of the school
Well Below Showed only one or no area of the school and described in the target language
Approaching Described at least two or three places in the target language
Meets Shows more than three places in the target language
Exceeds, Meets with Excellence Able to show where the gym, library, fields, auditorium, cafeteria, band room, dance room, P.E. building, health-room, office, language classes are
Able to converse with fluency and accuracy
Well Below Used notes or made several errors in target language and lacked fluency
Approaching May have used notes periodically more than two errors in the target language approaching fluency
Meets May have made an error but did not distract from the flow of the conversation. Performed with Fluency in the Target language
Exceeds, Meets with Excellence No errors detected with grammar, vocabulary or content in the target language.

Teacher Comments:


This rubric is from www.TeacherJet.com