L'avion . le train et la voiture
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Meets Checklist Requirements: Grammar, vocabulary
Script is at least 150 words. Spelling and accents are correct. Uses at least five regular verbs and three irregular verbs in le futur. Uses at least three prepositions. Uses at least four transition words.
Script is at least 150 words. Spelling and accents are mostly correct. Uses appropriate amount of le futur, but there are minor mistakes in usage. Uses at least three prepositions and four transition words.
Script is less than 100 words. Difficulty with spelling and accents. Lacking appropriate number 'le futur' requirements. Many mistakes in formation and usage of le futur. Uses fewer than three prepositions and four transition words.
Script is less than 75 words. Spelling and accents are not evident. Lacking appropriate number of le futur requirements. Mistakes impede comprehension of story. Prepositions and transition words lacking.
Meets Checklist Requirements: Facts, two towns, transportation
Research of region is evident. Incorporates at least eight facts. Facts are interesting and specific to region. Two towns are specifically mentioned as well as means of transportation.
Research of region is evident. Eight facts are mentioned, but are not entirely specific to region. Two towns are mentioned as well as means of transportation.
Research of region is not entirely evident. Fewer than eight facts mentioned. Facts are not very specific to region. Fewer than two towns mentioned. Means of transportation vague.
Research very lacking. Facts are not specific to region at all. No towns or means of transportation mentioned.
Essential Questions
Essential questions are thoroughly mentioned in story.
Essential questions are briefly mentioned in story.
Essential questions not evident.
Research with a partner
Works well with a partner. Collaborates and listens all of the time. Researches in depth. Sources cited and handed in on time.
Works respectfully with partner. Collaborates and listens most of the time. Could contribute just a bit more to partnership by either offering more research or ideas. Sources cited and handed in on time.
Has difficulty working with partner. Does not always stay on task or collaborate and listen. Sources cited, but not handed in on time.
Disrespectful. Does not collaborate or listen. Rude. Does not hand in sources.
Use of class time.
Uses class time wisely. No reminders to stay on task.
Uses class time wisely. Few reminders to stay on task.
Does not use class time wisely. Many reminders to stay on task.
Does not use class time wisely. Disruptive and disrespectful.

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