Spanish Speaking Country Travel Brochure
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Appropriate Use of Fonts
Student uses default font for all aspects of the brochure and does not change anything.
Student changes the default font but uses the same font for all aspects of the brochure. OR Student changes the default font but uses far too many fonts on one brochure.
Student changes the fonts, and has different fonts for the titles and the text but does not use a sans serif typeface for titles and headers and a serif typeface for text. OR Student changes the fonts and has different fonts for the titles and the text but uses a font that is too difficult to read.
Student changes the fonts, has different fonts for the titles and the text. Uses a sans serif typeface for titles and headers and a serif typeface for text. All fonts are readable.
Appropriate Font Formatting (Size, Type Styles, and Color)
Student uses a font that is too small to read or a color that is impossible to read.
Size of font is appropriate, but student uses a color combination between the background and the font that makes the font difficult to read. OR Color combination between the background and the font is good and aids in readability, but the size is too small to read.
Student uses appropriate size and color combinations between the background and text, making it very easy to read the text. Student needs to work on appropriate use of style changes - use less bolding, italicizing, or underlining.
Student uses appropriate size and color combinations between the background and text, making it very easy to read the text. Student also uses style changes in a way that draws attention to the most important text on the brochure.
Use of visual cues to draw attention to important information.
No visual cues present.
Some visual cues present, but use seems random or haphazard.
Uses frames, boxes or bullets in a manner that highlights important information in most cases.
Uses frames, boxes or bullets in a manner that highlights important information in every section of the brochure.
Use of graphics to enhance flyer.
No graphics present.
Few graphics present OR So many graphics there is no white space and the reader cannot find the most important information.
Appropriate number of graphics in terms of formatting and white space, but the graphics don't focus attention on the most important information.
Appropriate number of graphics in terms of formatting and white space. All graphics enhance the brochure by focusing attention on the most important information. Graphics represent the information being conveyed.
Appropriate Text Formatting (Text Boxes, Angled Text, Text Breaks)
No attempt to format text has been made.
Student uses text boxes to place text in certain places, but uses odd shapes or angled type. OR Student uses text boxes to place text in certain places, but the text is full of hyphenated words or widows and orphans (leftover words at the top or bottom of the block of text).
Student uses text boxes to place text in certain places and has very few formatting errors that make the text difficult to read or leave hyphenated words, widows, or orphans.
Student uses text boxes to place text in certain places and has no formatting errors that make the text difficult to read or leave hyphenated words, widows, or orphans.

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