A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Each picture has been carefully posed, and the "characters'" facial expressions and actions reflect the scene accurately (and consistently). Each group member served as the photographer/director for at least one scene, and this is clearly identified below each picture.
Ten pictures exists--two for each scene. A director/photographer is identified below each photo.
The characters are performing actions for each scene; however, the facial expressions do not reflect the scene.
The characters are performing actions for each scene, and the facial expressions mostly reflect the scene's moment. The characters are mostly easy to identify.
The characters are performing actions for each scene, and all of the facial expressions do a great job reflecting the scene's moment. All of the characters are easy to identify.
The students created a storyboard to depict their ten scenes.
There are hastily created boxes and stick people who do not necessarily reflect the action of the scene.
There are ten boxes for the ten scenes; however, the boxes may not reflect the scenes in the correct order, and little effort may be evident in creating the "action" of the figures.
There are ten boxes for the ten scenes, and each is a representation of the scenes later depicted with photography. Effort is evident in creating the action of the figures.
There are ten boxes for the ten scenes, and each is a clear representation of the scenes later depicted in photography. Meticulous effort and attention to detail is evident in the creation of each box and its content.
Lines were chosen to represent each extremely important scene, and they are quoted correctly (and cited correctly).
Lines were chosen for each scene and written below the photos.
Lines specific to the scene depicted were chosen and displayed below each photo.
Lines specific to the scenes depicted were chosen and displayed below each photo. Additionally, quotation marks were used for this.
Lines specific to the scenes depicted were chosen and displayed below each photo. Quotation marks were used around each line, and there is proper citation (per MLA).
A book was created with a cover and title page.
The students have arranged the photos and lines in some sort of form.
The students have arranged the photos and lines in book form and included a cover and title page.
The students have arranged the photos and lines neatly in book form and included a cover and title page.
The students have arranged the photos and lines neatly and creatively in book form; they also included a cover and title page.
The group presented their Photo Book for this tragedy to the rest of the class.
The students presented their Photo Book to the rest of the class.
The students presented their Photo Book to the rest of the class via Power Point presentation.
The students presented their Photo Book to the rest of the class via PP presentation, and they clearly explained each picture.
The students presented their Photo Book to the rest of the class via PP presentation, and they clearly explained each photo, along with why they chose that particular scene and those particular lines.

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