A Slice Of Life
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Student will demonstrate self-knowledge and the ability to draw comparisons between his or her own traits and the elements of a pizza.
Students did not show evidence of comparing personal characteristics to features on a pizza (crust, sauce, cheese, and toppings)and illustrate comparisons on a chart in their journals. The use of metaphors or similes describe personal traits was omitted.
Students will compare one to three personal characteristics to features on a pizza (crust, sauce, cheese, and toppings)and illustrate comparisons on a chart in their journals. The use of metaphors or similes describe personal traits is somewhat represented.
Students will compare four to six personal characteristics to features on a pizza (crust, sauce, cheese, and toppings)and illustrate comparisons on a chart in their journals.The use of metaphors or similes describe personal traits is generally represented.
Students will compare seven to ten personal characteristics to features on a pizza (crust, sauce, cheese, and toppings)and illustrate comparisons on a chart in their journals. The use of metaphors or similes describe personal traits is strongly represented.
The students will write a poem analyzing his or her personal characteristics.
Students will write a free verse metaphoric poem comparing a pizza to aspects of his or her life. The following aspects were not included: their personality traits, hobbies, talents, or disposition. Depth of personal insights is not reflected in the poetry.
Students will write a free verse metaphoric poem comparing a pizza to aspects of his or her life and will include one or two aspects of their life: personality traits, hobbies, talents, or disposition.Depth of personal insights is somewhat reflected in the poetry.
Students will write a free verse metaphoric poem comparing a pizza to aspects of his or her life and will include three to four aspects of his or her life: their personality traits, hobbies, talents, or disposition. Depth of personal insights is generally reflected in the poetry.
Students will write a free verse metaphoric poem comparing a pizza to aspects of his or her life and will include their personality traits, hobbies, talents, or disposition. Depth of personal insights is strongly reflected in the poetry.
The student will design a pizza and pizza box that represents himself or herself.
The student used materials to make the pizza. The final product is lacking neatness in it's illustration. The final product does not include additional poetry demonstrating self-knowledge.
The student used materials to make the pizza. The final product is lacking neatness in it's illustration. The final product includes additional poetry demonstrating self-knowledge.
The student creatively used materials to make the pizza. The final product is somewhat neatly illustrated. The final product includes additional poetry.
The student creatively used materials to make the pizza. The final product is neatly illustrated. The final product includes additional poetry demonstrating self-knowledge.
Student will interview parents and research origin of his or her first name and include this information in the final product.
Student did not show evidence of origin of his or her first name in the final product.
Student showed evidence of either discussion with parents or research of the origin of his or her first name in the final product.
Student showed evidence of parental discussion and research of the origin of his or her first name in the final product.
Student showed extensive evidence of parental discussion and extensive evidence of research on the origin of his or her first name in the final product.

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