Book Cover Report
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Front Cover of Book
The cover does not depict the story in any way.
The cover slightly depicts the story.
The cover is a little creative and depicts the story.
The cover is creative and vividly depicts the story.
Back Cover of Book
The back cover is not related to the story in any way.
The back cover is barely related to the story.
The back cover tells a decent and related amount about the story.
The back cover tells a great deal more about the story.
The book jacket has an original book cover that is eye-catching and based on something from the story.
The cover is not an original and or shows very little effort.
The cover is an original.
The cover is creative and shows thought to represent the story.
The cover is very creative and shows a lot of thought to try to accurately represent the story and its tone and mood.
Students correctly define 10 vocabulary words selected from novel. Put in alphabetical order. LC 04
Panel 1: Students correctly define 6 or less vocabulary words selected from novel. Not in alphabetical order.
Panel 1: Students correctly define 7 vocabulary words selected from novel. Not in alphabetical order.
Panel 1: Students correctly define 8 vocabulary words selected from novel. Not in alphabetical order.
Panel 1: Students correctly define 10 vocabulary words selected from novel. Not in alphabetical order.
Students write a descriptive paragraph about their book. WR-Content
Incorrect spelling, punctuation, limited word choice.
More than 4 errors in spelling, punctuation. Appropriate word choice.
Less than 3 errors in spelling, punctuation. Appropriate word choice.
Students write a descriptive paragraph about their book.
Spine of book has all 3 requirements. Book title, author,& Library code. LA 05 Panel 4:Front Cover includes 4 elements. book title, author, student name, and illustration. LA 05
Panel 3: Spine of book has only 1/3 requirements. Book title, author,& Library code.Panel 4:Front Cover includes 4 elements. book title, author, student name, and illustration. LA 05
Panel 3: Spine of book has all 2/3 requirements. Book title, author,& Library code.
Panel 3: Spine of book has all 3 requirements. Book title, author,& Library code.Panel 4:Front Cover includes 2/4 elements. book title, author, student name, and illustration.
Panel 4:Front Cover includes 4/4 elements. book title, author, student name, and illustration.
Front Cover includes 4 elements. book title, author, student name, and illustration. LA 05
Panel 6:Write a summary of the book. Include broad topic sentence, 3 details, concluding sentence. LC 03
Includes 1-2 of 5 elements.
Includes 3-4 of 5 elements
Includes 5/5 of Summary elements.
Student selects 5 words describing the main character and supports with evidence from the text. LC04/LA 05
Student selects 5 words describing the main character and supports with evidence from the text. LC04/LA 05
Student selects 5 words describing the main character and supports with evidence from the text. LC04/LA 05
Student selects 4 words describing the main character and supports with evidence from the text. LC04/LA 05
Student selects 5 words describing the main character and supports with evidence from the text. LC04/LA 05
The book jacket has an original book cover that is eye-catching and based on something from the story.
The cover is not an original and or shows very little effort.
The cover is an original.
The cover is creative and shows thought to represent the story.
The cover is very creative and shows a lot of thought to try to accurately represent the story and its tone and mood.
Minimal effort is displayed. Lacks creativity and organization.
Some effort is shown. Some creativity and organization.
Good effort displayed. Creativity and organization is shown.
Great effort displayed. Can tell a lot of time was spent on it; very creative and organized
Required Components
Project meets all the guidelines.
Project meets most of the guidelines.
Project meets very some of the guidelines.
Projects meets very little to none of the guidelines.

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