Book Project
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
ORGANIZATION (20pts) - Includes all directions for Title Page, Table of Content, Dividers. Body of Book
Book does not follow the directions for organization.
There is an attempt at organization, but the book largely disregards the instructions of the assignment. There are 4 or more mistakes in organization that affect the flow of the book.
Book is well organized according to the directions of the assignment. There are 1-3 minor mistakes that don't affect the overall flow of the book.
Book is masterfully organized according to the directions of the assignment. There are no mistakes in organization.
CONVENTIONS AND CITATIONS (20pts): Includes spelling, grammar, usage, and punctuation. All photos, songs, poems, etc.. are properly cited and given the appropriate credit.
Book does not follow directions for conventions and citations.
Book contains convention errors that are distracting and affect the content. Attempts made with consistent errors in citing photos, songs, poems, authors, sources, etc.
Book is accomplished and written with minimal convention errors that don't interfere with the reading of the entries. Photos, songs, poems, etc. are cited with minimal errors according to authors and/or source from which they are taken.
Book is masterfully written and is free from any convention errors. All photos, songs, poems, etc. are cited according to authors and/or source from which they are taken.
PRESENTATION (20pts): Includes following the directions for binding the book and making it personal, individual, and artistic.
Book does not follow directions for presentation.
Book at times follows the directions for binding and presentation. There are many mistakes and/or deviations that make the book less personal, individual, and/or artistic.
Book is accomplished in its binding and presentation. It seems personal, individual, and artistic. There are some inconsistencies that do not negatively affect the overall presentation of the book.
Book is masterfully bound & presented. It meets or exceeds the instructions of the assignment. Book is personal, individual, and artistic.
Book does not follow the directions for each section of the book.
All sections are present and completed. There are numerous mistakes. Words & line limits consistently below the requirements which affect the candid, personal, and insightful nature of the sections.
All sections of the book are complete and organized. There may be some inconsistencies in meeting minimum words and line requirements, but they are mostly well-written, candid, and personal.
All sections of the book are completed, masterfully written, candid, personal, and insightful. They meet or exceed all minimum requirements (for number of words and lines)

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