Book Response Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Before Reading Prompt
-You repeated a question that you already answered for a previous book response -Response is confusing, does not make sense, or doesn't answer the question -There is little or no evidence or details from the book provided - Written in incomplete sentences - Only 1 sentence/phrase response
- A different question has been chosen to answer -You make a brief reference to the question or prompt -Some of your ideas are explained, but not all -Some sentences are incomplete -Only 2 sentences in response
-A different question has been chosen to answer -You address some important aspects of the question or topic -You explain most of your opinions or predictions -Some evidence or details from the book provided -Sentences are complete but missing capital letters or punctuation -Response is written in at least 3 sentences
-A different question has been chosen to answer -You address all important aspects of the question or topic -You carefully explain your opinions, or predictions and you may even use parts of the book like the picture on the cover or summary on the back to strengthen your views, when appropriate - Sentences are complete and include correct capitalization and punctuation - Response is written in at least 3 sentences
During Reading Prompt
-You repeated a question that you already answered for a previous book response -Response is confusing, does not make sense, or doesn't answer the question -There is little or no evidence or details from the book provided - Written in incomplete sentences - Only 1 sentence/phrase response
- A different question has been chosen to answer -You make a brief reference to the question or prompt -Little or no evidence or details from the book provided -Some of your ideas are explained, but not all -Some sentences are incomplete -Only 2 sentences in response
-A different question has been chosen to answer -You address some important aspects of the question or topic -You explain most of your opinions or ideas -You use some characters' names and other details from the book -Sentences are complete but missing capital letters or punctuation -Response is written in at least 3 sentences
-A different question has been chosen to answer -You address all important aspects of the question or topic -You carefully explain your opinions -You use characters names and other important details from the book in your response - Sentences are complete and include correct capitalization and punctuation - Response is written in at least 3 sentences
After Reading Response
-You repeated a question that you already answered for a previous book response -Response is confusing, does not make sense, or doesn't answer the question -There is little or no evidence or details from the book provided - Written in incomplete sentences - Only 1 sentence/phrase response
- A different question has been chosen to answer -You make a brief reference to the question or prompt -Little or no evidence or details from the book provided -Some of your ideas are explained, but not all -Some sentences are incomplete -Only 2 sentences in response
-A different question has been chosen to answer -You address some important aspects of the question or topic -You explain most of your opinions or ideas -You use some characters' names and other details from the book -Sentences are complete but missing capital letters or punctuation -Response is written in at least 3 sentences
-A different question has been chosen to answer -You address all important aspects of the question or topic -You carefully explain your opinions -You use characters names and other important details from the book in your response - Sentences are complete and include correct capitalization and punctuation - Response is written in at least 3 sentences
Appropriate Heading
-Only have 1 aspect of a heading (Title, author, genre, date due, response #)
-Missing 1 or 2 aspects of heading (no title, author, genre, date due or response #) -Genre not specified more than fiction or nonfiction
-All aspects of heading are listed at the top of the page (Title, author, genre, date due and response #) -Title or author are not capitalized -Missing question numbers or section labels (before, during or after)
-All aspects of heading are listed at the top of the page (Title, author, genre, date due and response #) -Title and author's names are capitalized -genre is more specific than just fiction or nonfiction -Each section (before, during, after) is clearly labeled -The question number that was chosen is noted for each section

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