Book Review
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Knowledge and Understanding(R1.8) *make judgments and draw conclusions about ideas in texts and cite stated or implied evidence from the text to support their views
*makes judgments and draws conclusions about ideas in texts and cite stated or implied evidence from the text to support their views with limited effectiveness
*makes judgments and draws conclusions about ideas in texts and cite stated or implied evidence from the text to support their views with some effectiveness
*Effectively makes judgments and draws conclusions about ideas in texts and cite stated or implied evidence from the text to support their views
*makes judgments and draws conclusions about ideas in texts and cite stated or implied evidence from the text to support their views with considerable effectiveness
Thinking (W1.5) *identify and order main ideas in a multi-paragraphed piece of writing
identifies and orders main ideas in a multi-paragraphed piece of writing with limited effectiveness
*identifies and orders main ideas in a multi-paragraphed piece of writing with some effectiveness
*Effectively identifies and orders main ideas in a multi-paragraphed piece of writing
*identifies and orders main ideas in a multi-paragraphed piece of writing with a high degree of effectiveness
Communication (W2.2) *establish a distinctive voice in their writing appropriate to the subject and audience (W2.4) *create complex sentences by combining phrases, clauses and/or simple sentences
*establishes a distinctive voice in their writing appropriate to the subject and audience with limited effectiveness *creates complex sentences by combining phrases, clauses and/or simple sentences with limited effectiveness
*establishes a distinctive voice in their writing appropriate to the subject and audience with limited effectiveness *creates complex sentences by combining phrases, clauses and/or simple sentences with limited effectiveness
*establishes a distinctive voice in their writing appropriate to the subject and audience with limited effectiveness *creates complex sentences by combining phrases, clauses and/or simple sentences with limited effectiveness
*establishes a distinctive voice in their writing appropriate to the subject and audience with limited effectiveness *creates complex sentences by combining phrases, clauses and/or simple sentences with limited effectiveness
Application *spells familiar words correctly
*numerous spelling errors
*some spelling errors
*few spelling errors
*no spelling errors
Book review does not meet expectations; there is no 'thumbs up/thumbs down' verdict, questions are poorly chosen and poorly answered, part of project is missing.
Project is complete but questions are poorly done; opinions are elementary and don't provide support.
Opinions, questions, and verdict are all completed; they may be somewhat elementary and do not provide adequate support from novel.
Style is evident throughout, and support from novel is used to justify written material.
Project is not written like a 'review'; it is poorly organized and incomplete.
Project authors clearly researched reviews to model upon; plot summary, verdict, and questions are complete but could have been more creatively done.
Project authors researched reviews and made unique and thought-provoking choices; modeling of reviews is obvious. Questions and verdict are very creative.
Authors clearly got into 'character' in their writing by researching reviews and studying verdicts. Questions were unique and creative, and answers were natural.
Written Component
There is no accompanying written component.
Accompanying written component is poorly done and does not appear to be from the perspective of a book reviewer.
Written component comes from perspective of reviewer and adequately describes plot and opinions.
Written component is written from perspective of reviewer, is very specific and uses detail from novel to support facts.
Project was handed in very late, spelling and grammar are poor, project is incomplete.
Project was on time, but there are multiple spelling and grammar errors. Project could have used more effort or time for completion.
Project was on time. There are only a few spelling or grammar errors. Project appears to be done to the best of the authors' abilities.
Project was handed in early, or there are no spelling or grammar errors. Project goes above and beyond expectations.

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