Candide Storybook
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
The storybook does not portray one of Voltaire's arguments through Candide, as many of the inferences claims and explanations are incorrect.
There are quite a few inferences, claims and explanations in the the storybook that are not correct.
Most of the writing, inferences, claims and explanations in the storybook are correct.
All inferences and writing about Candide in the storybook are accurate
The storybook's formatting and organization of material are confusing to the reader.
The storybook has organized information but some things may be out of place.
The story book has well organized information and it is somewhat easy to navigate the book.
The storybook has well organized information and it is easy to navigate the book.
Spelling, Proofreading, Grammar, and Mechanics
Many spelling, capitalization and punctuation errors which distract from the overall message.
Quite a few spelling, capitalization and punctuation errors which distract from the overall message of the storybook.
There are a few grammar, spelling and mechanic errors which don't distract from the message of the storybook.
Grammar, spelling and mechanics are correct and don't distract from the message of the storybook.
Enduring understandings
The storybook fails to address any of the enduring understandings.
The storybook only attempts to explain 2 of the enduring understandings.
The storybook addresses at least 3 of the enduring understandings.
Storybook addresses all 4 enduring understandings: 1.What is an active verses a passive philosophy? 2. Which philosophies does Voltaire embrace? Which does he reject? 3. Does Voltaire convince you to cultivate your own garden? 4. How do philosophical beliefs influence our actions?
Graphics do not go with accompanying text or are sloppy, or are confusing.
Graphics may illustrate quote or situation inaccurately and do not show effort.
Graphics go well with the text but may overpower the text, inaccurately represent the quote or situation, or be too small.
Graphics represent the text and there is a good mix of pictures and writing. The drawings display an attempt to portray the quote.

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