Double Entry Journal
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Completion of Required Elements
Double Entry Journal is missing many of the required passages and/or reader responses.
Double Entry Journal may be missing some of the required passages and/or reader responses.
Double Entry Journal may be missing a few of the required passages and/or reader responses.
Double Entry Journal has all required passages and reader responses.
Passage Selection (Left Side of Double Entry Journal)
Choice of passages generally shows no evidence that the reader understands how to select relevant and significant text. The reader often chose irrelevant text, demonstrating minimal understanding of the purpose for reading.
Choice of passages shows weak evidence that the reader understands how to select relevant and significant text. The reader shows little or incomplete understanding of the purpose for reading.
Choice of passages shows some evidence that the reader understands how to select relevant and significant text. The reader shows some understanding of the purpose for reading and chose the text accordingly.
Choice of passages clearly shows evidence that the reader understands how to select relevant and significant* text. The reader shows an excellent understanding of the purpose for reading and chose the text accordingly.
Passage Documentation (Left Side of Double Entry Journal)
Most passages are not documented properly with direct quotes and corresponding page numbers and/or responses are illegible.
Some passages are not documented properly with direct quotes and corresponding page numbers and/ or responses are illegible.
Most passages are documented properly with direct quotes and corresponding page numbers and responses are legible.
All passages are documented properly with direct quotes and corresponding page numbers and responses are legible.
Quality of Reader Responses (Right Side of double Entry Journal)
Responses are off-task and/or illegible. Responses show no evidence that the reader is constructing, examining, or extending meaning. Writing may not be well organized.
Responses show little evidence that the reader is constructing, examining, or extending meaning. The reader makes few or weak connections, and the inferences and conclusions may be incorrect, too obvious, or nonexistent. Writing may or may not be well organized.
Responses show evidence that the reader is constructing, examining, and extending meaning. The reader makes some connections, inferences, and conclusions that are accurate and insightful. Writing is well organized.
Responses show excellent evidence that the reader is constructing, examining, and extending meaning. The reader makes many connections, inferences, and conclusions that are accurate and insightful.
Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics
There are many errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics.
There are some errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics.
There are no significant errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics.
There are no errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics.

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