Fictional Narrative - Disaster Story
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Use of graphic organizers: Character outline and fiction organizer
Did not complete either of the graphic organizers
Completed some of the graphic organizers but did not use this information in the story
Completed most of the graphic organizers and used most of this information in the story
Completed both of the graphic organizers and used it when completing their fictional narrative story
Use of proper paragraphs
Did not write proper paragraphs
Completed some of the paragraphs properly but they were not well thought out
Completed most of the paragraphs properly
Completed all paragraphs properly with introductory sentences, support, and a concluding sentence
Organization of ideas and creativity of the story
Hardly any of the ideas were creative, nor were they well organized
Some parts of the story were creative and organized
Most of the storyline was creative and well organized
This disaster story was very creative and well organized
Proper use of quotation marks
Did not demonstrate an understanding of the proper use of quotation marks
Demonstrated some understanding of the proper use of quotation marks
Demonstrated a good understanding of the proper use of quotation marks
Demonstrated an excellent understanding of the proper use of quotation marks
Matters of Correctness: spelling, punctuation, and grammar
7 or more errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar
5 or 6 errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar
3 or 4 errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar
1 or 2 errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar

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