Genre Jam
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Written Communication
Only 1 to 2 stories written. The plot is impractical, not including the fantasy. Story is not related to said genre. Grammar and spelling need much work. Typos are very clear throughout the writing.
Only 2 stories written. The plot has holes that need to be filled in. It is clear grammar and spelling need to be revised again. Story somewhat relates to said genre.
Only 3 to 4 stories written. The plot is practical but needs to have some work on few holes. Only 1-4 spelling or grammar mistakes were found throughout the writing.
5 or more stories were turned in. Plot was practical and enjoyable to read. Grammar was very descriptive and went in depth with detail. No spelling errors were found.
Manages Time Wisely
Not organized and final product was not prepared in time for said due date. Not on task for any class periods.
Final product was prepared at least 3 days after due date. Somewhat organized. Rarely on task.
Final product was a day late. Work is organized neatly. Mostly on task.
Final product was turned in before or on the due date. Work was very organized and you were always on task.
Research was messily thrown together and mostly incorrect. Did not use reliable sources and no work cited page.
Research could have been neater than it was and some of the information was correct. Used at least 1 reliable source and work cited page was unfinished.
Most research was accurate and it was neatly put together. Used mostly reliable sources and work cited page was finished.
All research was correct and it was very neat and appealing to the eye. Used reliable sources and work cited page was finished and turned in.
Oral Communication
Did not speak loudly or clearly, mumbled.
Spoke somewhat loud and mumbled some.
Spoke loudly and clearly but was unable to understand at times.
Spoke loudly and clearly; easy to understand.

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