Grade 5 Limerick Poetry
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Knowledge and understanding of Limerick Poems: I know that Limericks are humorous and descriptive pieces. The first two lines and the last line must rhyme (lines 1,2,5). The third and fourth line must also rhyme (lines 3,4).
Demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of Limerick poetry: Incorrect rhyming scheme, lack of a humorous theme.
Demonstrates some knowledge and understanding of Limerick poetry: Only some of the rhyming scheme is correct, the theme is not humorous.
Demonstrates considerable knowledge and understanding of Limerick poetry: The rhyming scheme is correct with only minor errors and the theme is humorous.
Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of Limerick poetry: The rhyming scheme is correct and the theme is humorous.
Expression and organization of ideas and information: My poem and ideas are clear and organized. My sentences flow together.
Expresses and organizes information with limited clarity and purpose: Sentences are not fluent or are unintentionally contradictory.
Expresses and organizes information with some clarity and purpose: Some sentences are fluent.
Expresses and organizes information with considerable clarity and purpose: Most sentences are fluent and well thought out.
Expresses and organizes information in a highly purposeful and clear manner: Sentences are exceptionally fluent and well thought out.
Use of creative thinking skills: My word choice, ideas,humor, and use of adverbs are original and inventive.
Uses creative thinking skills with a limited degree of effectiveness: Ideas and word choice are limited and/or repetitive. There are no adverbs.
Uses creative thinking skills with some degree of effectiveness: Ideas and word choice are sometimes repetitive and can be more detailed. There is only one adverb.
Uses creative thinking skills with a considerable degree of effectiveness: Ideas and word choice are original, humorous, and descriptive. There are 2-3 adverbs.
Uses creative thinking skills with a high degree of effectiveness: Ideas and word choice are highly original, humorous, and descriptive. There are 4 or more adverbs.
Presentation: My final draft is neat and has a colored illustration.
Demonstrates limited use of publishing and presentation methods: Limited neatness and absence of an illustration.
Demonstrates some use of publishing and presentation methods: Limited neatness and absence of color in the illustration.
Demonstrates considerable use of publishing and presentation methods: The final copy is neat and has a colored illustration.
Demonstrates thorough use of publishing and presentation methods: The final copy is exceptionally neat and has a colored illustration.
Use of proofreading conventions: I have proofread my poem and use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Demonstrates limited use of proofreading conventions: There are 5 or more proofreading errors.
Demonstrates some use of proofreading conventions: There are 4 proofreading errors.
Demonstrates considerable use of proofreading conventions: There are 2-3 proofreading errors.
Demonstrates thorough use of proofreading conventions: There is 1 proofreading error or less.

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