Habibi Responsive Reading
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
I can analyze types of world powers (e.g. military, corporations, religions) and how they influence connections and conflicts in the world. (Examine text graphics interpret/ infer and draw conclusions)
Journal writing demonstrated a need to gain more understanding and insight into the topic of connections and conflict between religious groups revealed in the text.
Journal writing demonstrated some beginning understanding and insight into the topic of connections and conflict between religious groups revealed in the text.
Journal writing demonstrated understanding and insight into the topic of connections and conflict between religious groups revealed in the text.
I can negotiate conflicting views of differing national foreign policy positions on international competition and cooperation. ( LG 4resolve conflicting views found in source documents or experiences)
Journal writing demonstrated a need to gain more understanding and insight into the topic of connections and conflict between national groups revealed in the text.
Journal writing demonstrated some beginning understanding and insight into the topic of connections and conflict between national groups revealed in the text.
Journal writing demonstrated understanding and insight into the topic of connections and conflict between national groups revealed in the text.
Analyze in detail a series of events described in a text; determine whether earlier events caused later ones or simply preceded them
I completed less than half of the responsive reading and journals on Habibi.
I completed at least half of the responsive reading and journals on Habibi.
I completed at least 3/4ths or all of the responsive reading and journals on Habibi.
Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of how key events or ideas develop over the course of the text.
The journals were not detailed and off topic and did not show a great understanding of the material read.
The journals were somewhat detailed and often on-topic and demonstrated some understanding of the material read.
The journals were detailed and appropriate to the responsive writing topics demonstrating understanding of the material read.
Language/ Authenticity
Major simple mechanical errors significantly reducing clarity. No style or originality.
Mechanical errors affect clarity. Very little style or effort made to be original.
Good mechanics with minor errors. Mostly appropriate style with a mostly original voice.

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