LA Inference Introductory Group Project
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Create and Communicate a thoughtful Inference from the material presented to the group
Students demonstrate limited or incomplete understanding of creating and communicating an inference. Inference is not supported by many components
Students continue to develop understanding of creating and communicating an inference. Inference is supported by only a few components of the presentation
Students demonstrate an understanding of creating and communicating an inference supported by most components of the presentation
Students demonstrate an in-depth understanding of creating and communicating an inference supported by all components of the presentation
Students select and use appropriate strategies to construct meaning before, during and after viewing, listening and reading material presented to them
Students demonstrate limited or incomplete understanding of strategies used to help create understanding of the content
Students continue to develop understanding of each strategy to help create understanding of the content
Students demonstrate understanding of each strategy to help create understanding of the content
Students demonstrate an in-depth understanding of each strategy to help create understanding of the content
Students interact well with other group members
1 or 2 members contribute ideas and information, give reasons for opinions and points of view and contribute equally to the creation of the finished product
A few group members contribute ideas and information, give reasons for opinions and points of view and contribute equally to the creation of the finished product
Most group members contribute ideas and information, give reasons for opinions and points of view and contribute equally to the creation of the finished product
All group members contribute ideas and information, give reasons for opinions and points of view and contribute equally to the creation of the finished product
Presentation includes use of oral language to and various other cues to communicate ideas and information to large groups
Students demonstrate limited understanding of language and tone, gestures, body language, facial expressions, eye contact and use of visual aids to suit the audience
Students continue to develop understanding of language and tone, gestures, body language, facial expressions, eye contact and use of visual aids to suit the audience
Students demonstrate understanding of language and tone, gestures, body language, facial expressions, eye contact and use of visual aids to suit the audience
Students demonstrate in-depth understanding of language and tone, gestures, body language, facial expressions, eye contact and use of visual aids to suit the audience

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