Lenny's Red Letter Day New Ending
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
I will use reference to prior evidence from the story while writing my new ending.
I have no clue why you wrote this ending. It doesn't relate to the story.
I have used few references to prior evidence in my ending.
I have used some references to prior evidence in my ending.
I have used many references to prior evidence in my ending.
I will follow the theme of the story in my new ending.
What are you trying to say??? I don't get it.
I get the basic idea but still am a bit confused on the theme.
The theme is evident but not supported with details.
The theme is easy to identify.
Main characters will be included in my new ending, along with at least one new character.
I have not included any of the main characters.
I have not included all the main characters or a new character.
I have included the main characters and one new character.
I have included the main characters and several new characters.
The conclusion is strong and interesting.
The conclusion does not make sense.
The conclusion seems all right but rushed or no connections from the ending or the story.
The conclusion is interesting.
The conclusion is thoughtful and well developed.
I have edited my work for a final copy.
I can not understand the writing due to so many errors in mechanics.
There are SEVERAL errors in mechanics; such as capitalization , punctuation, spelling, etc.
There are FEW errors in mechanics; such as capitalization , punctuation, spelling, etc.
There are NO errors in mechanics; such as capitalization , punctuation, spelling, etc.

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