Making Inferences & Drawing Conclusions
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about John Wilkes Booth and provided evidence of thinking.
Students did not make any inferences or conclusions based on the character John Wilkes Booth.
Students made ONE inference and ONE conclusion based on a character John Wilkes Booth.
Students made TWO inferences and TWO conclusions about the character John Wilkes Booth provided evidence of thinking.
Students made Three inferences and Three Conclusions based on the character John Wilkes Booth and provided evidence of thinking.
Students stated authors purpose and provided if the purpose was achieved. Students provided evidence of thinking.
Students did not state the authors purpose.
Students sated the authors purpose but did not address is the purpose was achieved.
Students stated the authors purpose and stated if the purpose was achieved.
Students stated the authors purpose,if the author achieved the purpose and provided text evidence.
Participation in the Presentation
Students did not present.
Students presented the information but only one student participated in the presentation.
Most of the students presented the presentation.
All students participated in the presentation.
No research was completed.
Minimal research was completed about John Wilkes booth to justify inferences and conclusions.
Adequate research was completed to justify inferences and conclusions about John Wilkes Booth.
Students used all the research tools provided to show evidence of inferences and conclusions.
Notes/ Comments

Teacher Comments:


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