Map of Fairy Tale Setting
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
The student can name and describe geometric properties of 2-D and 3-D shapes in the map and model of prism or pyramid. (ie.number of faces, edges, size and color)
The student can name and describe a few of the shapes in the map.
The student can name and describe some of the shapes in the map.
The student can name and describe most of the shapes in the map.
The student can name and describe all of the shapes in the map.
The student uses creative thinking and problem solving to create an object made by combining two or more 2-D shapes and a model of prism or pyramid.
The student uses creative thinking with limited effectiveness.
The student uses creative thinking with some effectiveness.
The student uses creative thinking with considerable effectiveness.
The student uses creative thinking with a high degree of effectiveness.
The student uses mathematical language (i.e.. polygon, pyramid, prism, faces, edges, etc.)to describe shapes, location of shapes, and how they created shapes to classmates.
The student presents ideas and mathematical thinking classmates using mathematical language with limited effectiveness.
The student presents ideas and mathematical thinking classmates using mathematical language with some effectiveness.
The student presents ideas and mathematical thinking classmates using mathematical language with considerable effectiveness.
The student presents ideas and mathematical thinking classmates using mathematical language with a high degree of effectiveness.
The student ask questions and gives feedback on another student's map making connections with prior knowledge and experience.
The student has questions and feedback with little connection to prior knowledge and experience.
The student has questions and feedback with few connections to prior knowledge and experience.
The student has questions and feedback with some connections to prior knowledge and experience.
The student has questions and feedback with many connections to prior knowledge and experience.

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