Media Texts - Point of View
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Identifies and explains the intended purpose of media texts
I have difficulty explaining the purpose of media texts (e.g., to persuade, to inform, to entertain), and need to use clues from the text to help me
I can partially explain the purpose of media texts (e.g., to persuade, to inform, to entertain), but need to use more clues and my own ideas
I can clearly explain the purpose of media texts (e.g., to persuade, to inform, to entertain) by using clues and my own ideas
I can effectively explain the purpose of media texts (e.g., to persuade, to inform, to entertain) by using clues and my own ideas
Explains how media texts address their intended audience
I can identify who the media text is intended for, but have difficulty supporting my answer and explaining how I know
I use some evidence from the text to explain who the media text is intended for
I use evidence from the text to clearly explain who the media text is intended for
I use both evidence from the text and my own ideas to thoroughly explain who the media text is intended for
Identifies whose point of view is represented, and explains the "main message" in media texts
I demonstrate a limited understanding of the main message that is represented in media texts, and who is sending the message
I demonstrate some understanding of the main message that is represented in media texts, and who is sending the message
I demonstrate a good understanding of the main message that is represented in media texts, and who is sending the message
I demonstrate a strong understanding of the main message that is represented in media texts, and who is sending the message
Identifies missing points of view in media texts
I am having difficulty identifying missing points of view in media texts
I am beginning to identify whose point of view is missing in media texts, using simple ideas
I identify a missing point of view in media texts
I clearly identify several missing points of view in media texts
Evaluates the effectiveness of media texts, determining whether or not they will achieve a particular goal
I am beginning to express opinions about media texts, but do not support my opinions with evidence or reasons
I am beginning to express opinions about media texts, including simple reasons to help support whether I think the texts are effective / ineffective.
I express my opinions about media texts, including reasons to help support whether I think the texts are effective / ineffective
I express my strong opinions about media texts, including several detailed reasons to support whether I think the texts are effective / ineffective

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