Memoir Rubric
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Introduction is very basic. The topic is unclear and does not hook the reader. The writer did not establish what the setting of the story was.
Introduction is basic. The topic is clear but is not written in a way that hooks the reader. The writer did not establish what the setting of the story was.
Introduction introduced the reader clearly to the topic and inspired the reader to want to read the rest of the memoir. The setting of the story was established but not in great detail.
Introduction introduced the reader clearly to the topic and inspired the reader to want to read the rest of the memoir. Student established the setting of the story in great detail.
The memoir is very hard to follow because the events and information presented are in no particular order. There are no transitional words or phrases to connect ideas.
The memoir is hard to follow because the information and events are not presented in a logical, interesting sequence that flows. The student used basic transitional words and phrases throughout.
Information is presented in a logical, interesting sequence that flows, however, the student used the same or similar transitional words and phrases throughout to manage the sequence of events.
Information is presented in a logical, interesting sequence that flows. A variety of transitional words, phrases, and clauses are used to manage the sequence of events.
The student did not provide a conclusion for their memoir.
The student provided a conclusion but the conclusion does not restate their topic and does not refer to any of the information mentioned throughout the memoir.
The student provided a conclusion which restated their topic but used little of the information mentioned throughout the memoir.
The student provided a detailed conclusion which restated their topic and referred to the important points mentioned throughout the memoir.
Style of writing
The student's writing is dull and boring. There was no attempt to use descriptive language and did not contain any voice.
The student used very little descriptive language and had little to no voice. The style of writing was not very creative and was somewhat enjoyable to read.
The student used some examples of descriptive language and contained some voice. The essay was creative and enjoyable to read.
The student used lots of descriptive language and voice. The essay was written in a creative way and is very enjoyable to read.
Use of details
Student's memoir lacks supporting details and vivid descriptions.
Student's memoir has supporting details, however the details are very vague and descriptions are not vivid.
Student's memoir is supported with concrete and sensory details. Descriptions could be more vivid.
Student's memoir is supported with both concrete and sensory details. Descriptions are vivid and really bring the writing piece to life.

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