Movie Poster
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Poster does not provide adequate detail; characters provided are poorly represented or vague. Details are incorrect or very poorly represented.
Details provided are well-represented; a great deal of the poster is still very vague.
Adequate details are represented, characters are specific and correct.
Number of details goes above and beyond what is required; characters are specific and detailed, and there are unique details on poster.
Project completed in black and white; poster appears to be untidy or completed in a haphazard way.
Project uses some color and appears to be somewhat neatly done, but sloppiness is evident. More color is necessary to see and locate details and characters.
Project is neatly completed and colors are used well, but more colors would have provided better representation.
Project is extremely neat and multiple colors are used to show characters. Poster is detail-driven and shows theme and metaphorical representation.
Written Component
There is no accompanying written component.
Accompanying written component is poorly done and does not adequately explain poster or details.
Written component explains plot, characters, and actor choices.
Written component is easy to follow, describes plot, characters, and actors, and is very specific and uses detail from novel to support facts.
Project was handed in very late, spelling and grammar are poor, project is incomplete.
Project was on time, but there are multiple spelling and grammar errors. Project could have used more effort or time for completion.
Project was on time. There are only a few spelling or grammar errors. Project appears to be done to the best of the authors' abilities.
Project was handed in early, or there are no spelling or grammar errors. Project goes above and beyond expectations.

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