Personal Poetry Anthology
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
3 points: Student has collected less than 5 poems. Four to five poem types are not identified.
6 points: Student has collected at least 7 poems, but four to five poem types are not identified.
8 points: Student has collected at least 10 poems that represent more than four different types of poem.
10 points: Student has collected 12 poems that represent at least five types of poetry.
Poetry Book (Appearance)
3 points: Poems are written and illustrated in a sloppy manner. Student does not appear to have put much thought into how the work is presented. The cover lacks creativity.
6 points: Poems are written and illustrated in a manner that shows some effort. The cover is adequate.
8 points: Poems are written and illustrated in a manner that shows both time and effort were put into making the book presentable. The cover includes an appropriate title, poem, and illustration.
10 points: The way in which poems and illustrations work together shows great effort. Work is neat and shows a desire to stand out above others. The cover is attractive and includes a creative title, poem, and illustration.
3 points: Few poems included a reflection about why it was included in the collection; or, reflections showed no thought or connection to the poems; or, collective reflection left out most of the poems included in the collection.
6 points: Some poems included a reflection about why it was included in the collection; or, reflections showed some thought or connection to the poems; or, collective reflection left out some of the poems included in the collection.
8 points: Most poems included a reflection about why it was included in the collection; or, reflections showed effective thought or connection to the poems; or, collective reflection left out one or two of the poems included in the collection.
10 points: All poems included a reflection about why it was included in the collection; and, reflections showed much thought and meaningful connection to the poems; or, collective reflection spoke to all the poems included in the collection well and completely.
3 points: It is obvious that the student rushed the creation of the project. Work lacks artistry and creativity.
6 points: Student seems to have spent some time trying to create a colorful project, but it is still lacking in general artistry and creativity.
8 points: Student's efforts to make the project colorful and creative are evident. The anthology shows creativity and originality.
10 points: The student did an excellent job of creating an original project. It is colorful and creative.
Coffee House / Presentation
3 points: Student did not have poem memorized and read without expression or fluency.
6 points: Student did not have poem memorized but read with some expression and fluency.
8 points: Student had poem memorized and was expressive.
10 points: Student had poem memorized and the level of expression and fluency shown was excellent. Showed they really read and understood their poem choice.

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