Poetry Presentation
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Student will identify the speaker and audience of the assigned poem.
Student cannot identify the speaker and/or intended audience of the poem.
Student can identify both the speaker and the intended audience of the poem.
Student can identify both the speaker and the intended audience of the poem. Student can support his/her choice of speaker or intended audience with evidence from text.
Student can identify both the speaker and the intended audience of the poem. Student can support his/her choice of speaker and intended audience with evidence from text.
Student will identify the type of poem being presented and thoroughly discuss the topic being addressed by the speaker.
Student states type or topic. Student does not give details to support answer.
Student states type and topic. Student does not give details to support answer.
Student states type and topic. Student gives minimal details to support answer.
Student states type and topic. Student gives multiple details to support answer.
Student will identify the tone and mood of the assigned poem.
Student cannot identify the tone or mood of the poem.
Student can identify both the mood and the tone of the poem.
Student can identify both the tone and the mood of the poem. Student can support his/her choice of tone or mood with evidence from text.
Student can identify both the tone and the mood of the poem. Student can support his/her choice of tone and mood with evidence from text.
Student will discuss the author's use of poetic devices, imagery, and word choice.
Student can identify only one poetic device used or image created within the poem.
Student can identify two to three poetic devices used or images created within the poem. Student can discuss basic structure of the poem.
Student can correctly identify more than three poetic devices and images created. Student can explain how the poetic devices and/or images enhance the poem. Student can discuss the structure of the poem in detail including information on the rhyme scheme, diction, or syntax.
Student can correctly identify more than three poetic devices and images created. Student can explain how the poetic devices and/or images enhance the poem. Student can discuss the structure of the poem in detail including information on the rhyme scheme, diction, and syntax.
Student can identify the central theme of the poem. Student will connect poem to life today.
Students makes a one or two word comment on the theme of the poem.
Student states the theme of the poem in a complete sentence. Student does not give details to support answer.
Student states the theme of the poem in a complete sentence. Student gives one or two details from the text to support theme.
Using complete sentences, student states more than one possible theme of the poem. Student gives multiple details to support theme.
My poem was not memorized at all. I did not introduce the poem or the author. I gave no information on the author. I provided no personal reflection. Optional musical or visual components were inappropriate and distracting.
My poem was only partially memorized. I provided an incomplete introduction. I was either missing or had incomplete author comments and/or personal reflection. Optional musical or visual components did not add to the presentation or were poorly executed.
My poem was memorized and I made 3 or fewer errors in recitation. I introduced my poem and author. I provided minimal information about the author and a brief personal reflection. Optional visual or musical components were appropriate and properly executed.
My poem was fully memorized and recited without error. I introduced the poem and the author. I provided complete and informative statements about the author and my own personal reflections. Optional visual or musical components were appropriate and engaging. They enhanced the performance and were well executed.
Body Language
My body language was stiff and unresponsive. I had poor posture. I made wildly inappropriate gestures.
My body language was somewhat stiff. My posture was acceptable. My gestures were a bit distracting.
My body language was mostly relaxed. My posture was good. My gestures were a bit stiff and unnatural but not overly distracting.
My body language was alert and relaxed. I maintained excellent posture. I made only meaningful, natural and appropriate gestures, if any.
Vocal Performance
My pitch was monotone throughout the presentation. My pronunciation was garbled and difficult to understand. My rate of speech was either much too slow or much too fast. My volume was either much too loud or much to soft.
I attempted to vary my pitch but lapsed into monotone at certain points of my presentation. My pronunciation was somewhat clear but still a bit difficult to understand. My rate of speech was either somewhat too slow or somewhat too fast. My volume was either somewhat too loud or somewhat too soft.
My voice varied in pitch. My pronunciation was mostly clear and easy to understand. My rate of speech was either a bit too slow or a bit too fast. My volume was either a bit too loud or a bit too soft.
My voice varied appropriately in pitch. It was not monotone. My pronunciation was clear and easy to understand. My rate of speech was neither too slow nor too fast. My volume was neither too loud nor too soft.
Eye Contact
I failed to maintain eye contact for the majority of my presentation. I spoke only to one person or to no one at all. It appeared as though I was trying to drill a hole in the floor with my laser eyes.
I made sporadic eye contact during my presentation. I attempted to include more than one person. I occasionally tried to drill a hole in the floor with my laser eyes.
I made eye contact for more than half of my presentation included the majority of the audience. I did not look like I was trying to drill a hole in the floor with my laser eyes.
I maintained good eye contact for the majority of my presentation. I spoke to the entire audience not just one or two people.
Presentation of Poetry
Unprepared. Unfamiliar with material (words, timing etc.)
Demonstrates developing presentation skills. Some eye contact and familiarity with poem shown.
Student is familiar with the poem .( timing, words etc. ) Poem is presented confidently.
Presentation of poem shows that student has spent time practicing and perfecting delivery. Reading reflects emotion and meaning of poem.
Information about Poet
Very little or no information about the poet.
Student has some understanding of the poet's life etc. Some time has been spent researching.
Information about poet is presented. Student has selected important and relevant information.
Good understanding of poet. Student chooses interesting and important information to share with the audience . Student has clearly researched chosen poet.
Analysis of Poem
Little or no analysis completed and shared.
Student has done some analysis of poem. More in-depth study is needed .
Student has analyzed and shared their study . Analysis reveals poetic devices and possible interpretation
Excellent analysis of poem. Poetic devices , possible interpretation etc. are examined. Student clearly has an understanding of poem.
Awareness of Audience
Little or no connection with audience. Presentation not taken seriously.
Some connection with audience. Student tries to engage audience.
Student connects with audience and is aware of how the audience is responding to their presentation.
Student connects with the audience and reads / analyzes poem in a manner that demonstrates their goal to interest audience in their poem.
Connection to Poem
No clear connection between student and poem . Not sure why poem was chosen by student.
Some evidence as to why student chose poem. Student can explain to some extent why they chose this poem/ poet.
Student is able to explain why they chose poet/poem. Connection is evident throughout presentation.
Connection to poet/poem is clear. All aspects of presentation reveal why the student made the decision to present this poem.

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This rubric is from www.TeacherJet.com