Poetry Project
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Biographical Information is thorough and clearly communicated in either written or spoken word.
Student provides written essay, PowerPoint, newsletter or role-plays to communicate the life of a poet.
Student provides some background and professional information but some area needs a little more details and development
Student provides background information on the life of the poet and addresses the poet's professional life.
A thorough examination of the poet's life and career. Filled with details that spark emotion and connect with the audience. Demonstrates deep understanding of poet and influences in his or her life.
Student demonstrates understanding of the theme of the poem, interprets the poem and identifies poetic devices and the poets use of language.
Student reads the poem and identifies the message.
Student reads the poem, interprets parts of it and mentions a few poetic devices.
Student reads the poem, identifies the central message and poetic devices.
Student reads the poem with emotion and meaning, identifies the central message and tells how each stanza relates to the message. Student does an excellent job of pointing out the poetic devices and the poet's use of language.
Student demonstrates effort, enthusiasm and self-control.
Student does the assignment.
Student does the assignment and demonstrates creativity and effort.
Student shows creativity, effort and understanding of poet and poem.
Student shows enthusiasm, passion, deep understanding of poet and poem and word demonstrates effort and creativity.
Follow set up instructions.
All 8 poems, 3 songs, and 3 song meanings are in a folder.
All 8 poems, 3 songs, and 3 song meanings are in a folder. Not all directions were followed.
All 8 poems, 3 songs, and 3 song meanings are on a different page. Has a title, labeled with the type of poem it is, has your name on it, and is typed.
All 8 poems, 3 songs, and 3 song meanings are on a different page. Has a title, labeled with the type of poem it is, has your name on it, is typed, and shows extra care in planning/creating.
Print off 3 song lyrics that have a meaning to you.
Printed off 3 songs from the Internet. No other steps taken to make the songs look presentable in your final project.
Printed off 3 songs from the Internet., used marker or pen to black out inappropriate language.
Printed off 3 songs from the Internet., retyped them, corrected any inappropriate language.
Found 3 songs from the Internet., retyped them, truly found a meaning to them all.
In a minimum of 50 words explain what the song means to you.
Just talked about what the song was saying.
Writing only to get 50 words. Does not talk about personal meaning to the song.
Not concerned with word count. Told what the song was about, but not what it means to you.
Not concerned with word count. Captured the meaning of the song on paper. Explained how and why the song means something to you.
Presentation of final project.
Put typed poems, songs, and song meanings in folder. Did not add pictures, decorate folder, or check for grammar and spelling errors.
Followed some set up instructions. Organized all 8 poems, 3 songs, and 3 song meanings. Did not check spelling and grammar. Wrote name on front cover.
Followed most set up instructions. Organized all 8 poems, 3 songs, and 3 song meanings. Used font, color, and pictures to help add meaning to poems. Put name on folder cover.
Followed all set up instructions. Organized all 8 poems, 3 songs, and 3 song meanings. Checked for spelling and grammar errors. Added pictures to poems for added explanation. Decorated front cover of folder.

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