PowerPoint Book Report
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Text is difficult to read. Too much text. Inappropriate fonts. Small font size.
Overall readability is difficult. Too much text. Too many different fonts.
Fonts are generally easy to read. Font size varies appropriately. Too much text.
Easy to read. Font size varies appropriately. Text is appropriate length.
Most of the graphics are unrelated to content. Too many graphics on one page. Most of the graphics distract from the text. Images are poor quality. Too large or too small.
Some of the graphics are unrelated to content. Too many graphics on one page. Some of the graphics distract from the text. Images are poor quality. Too large or too small.
All graphics are related to content. All graphics are appropriate size and good quality. Graphics help audience understand the flow of content.
All graphics are related to content. All graphics are appropriate size and good quality. Graphics create an overall theme and make connections that helps the audience understand the concepts.
Much of the animation is unrelated to content. Too much animation on one page. Much of the animation distract from text.
Some of the animation is unrelated to content. Too much animation on one page. Some of the animation distract from the text.
Animation helps audience understand the flow of content.
Animation creates an overall theme and make connections that helps the audience understand the concepts.
Background makes text difficult to read.
Text is readable, but background is very distracting.
Text is readable, but background is slightly distracting.
Background makes text easy to read.
Layout is cluttered, confusing. Poor use of spacing, headings and sub headings. Hard to read.
Layout shows Some structure. Cluttered, distracts from readability. Large gaps of space.
Uses horizontal and vertical space appropriately.
Pleasing to the eye. Appropriate use of headings and subheadings. Appropriate use of white space.

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