Radio Announcer Book Show
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Book information
Did not include any information about their book in the show.
Did not include enough information about their book in the show.
Included some information about their book in the show.
Included lots of great information about their book in the show.
The host(student)was not creative in introducing or concluding the show and presenting the book itself.
The host(student)tried to be creative in introducing or concluding the show and presenting the book.
The host(student) was sometimes creative in introducing or concluding the show and presenting the book.
The host (student) was very creative in introducing or concluding the show, presenting the book itself, and peaking our interest in the book.
Voice projection
Voice was not loud enough.
Voice needs to be louder.
Voice was often loud enough.
Voice was loud and smooth and perfect for a radio show.
Vocal expression
Voice was not expressive enough for a radio show. You need to work on being able to speak clearly with expression in order to keep the audience's interest.
Voice was not very expressive for a radio show. You need to work on being able to keep the audience's interest.
Voice was often expressive and okay for a radio show. You were usually able to keep the audience's interest.
Voice was very expressive and perfect for a radio show. You were able to keep the audience's interest.
Author information
Did not include any information about the author in the show.
Included a couple of facts about the author in the show.
Included several facts about the author in the show.
Included lots of pertinent information about the author in the show.

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