Reading Book Report- Student Choice
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Part 1: Written Portion
There are many errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.5th grade writing expectations were not met. Is very confusing and does not tell a lot about the book.
There are between 3 and 5 errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Some of the 5th grade writing expectations were met. Provides a retell of the book rather than an overview.
There are 1 or 2 errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Most of the 5th grade writing expectations were met. Provides the audience with a clear picture of the book, but may give some information away.Demonstrates the student's understanding of the book.
Provides the audience with a clear picture of the book, without giving the story away. The written portion is error free. Demonstrates the student's understanding of the book.
Part 2: Visual/ Artistic Portion
Is not very visually appealing, and does not demonstrate very much effort and time. It is difficult to see what the book was about.
Is somewhat visually appealing, and demonstrates some effort and time. Shows some elements of the book.
Is visually appealing. Shows creativity, time and effort. Is a clear representation of the book. Demonstrates the student's understanding of the book.
Is extremely visual with a great use of color, creativity, time and effort. Demonstrates the student's understanding of the book, and shows what the book was about.
Title and Author of the book
Title and Author of the book are present on one of the two portions.
Title and Author of the book are present on both portions.

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