Reading Comprehension - 5th Grade
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Student will summarize the text in their own words and identify literary elements.
Displays no or little understanding of what the text was about. Identifies no literary elements.
Lacks understanding of the text but makes attempts by recalling the main ideas. Inconsistently identifies few literary elements.
Can summarize text but without order of events but has a fairly good understanding. Can identify most literary elements.
Can summarize the text in the appropriate order, demonstrating a clear understanding of what the text was about. Can list and find all elements of literature.
Student will draw conclusions or make predictions.
Attempts to draw conclusions or make predictions without the use of the text or uses it inappropriately.
Draws conclusions or makes predictions that are somewhat related to the text and uses only key words.
Draws Conclusions or makes predictions that are mostly related to the text and may explain reason. Uses key words and some clues.
Always draws conclusions or makes predictions related to the text and can explain reason. Uses key words and clues.
Student will ask appropriate questions about the text.
Little or no understanding of what to ask before, during, or after reading. Relies on others for answers.
Begins to ask questions when prompted by teacher or peers. Questions are related to the text but very basic.
Mostly understands and is able to ask questions without prompting. Questions have a little more thought put into them.
Consistently understands and asks challenging questions on their own. Questions are well thought out.
Student will be able to visual what they are reading and explain what they "see" in detail.
Has no understanding of how to visualize in their mind. Makes no attempt to do so without prompting.
Begins to understand and attempts to describe visual images. Mostly relies on teacher and peers for a prompt.
Mostly can describe what they picture in their mind while listening to or reading text. Can independently express, write, or draw visualizations.
Consistently describes in detail what they picture in their mind while listening to or reading text. Can often go beyond basic description and into more detail.
Student will self-monitor their own reading and level of skill.
Little or no awareness of the reading process or decoding of the words, comprehension, or text as a whole.
Somewhat identifies difficulties and asks for help when needed at word level. Gives up easily.
Identifies difficulties and asks for help when needed at sentence level, sometimes using learned strategies.
Implores several strategies that are appropriate for fixing the problem themselves. Can explain why they chose a certain strategy over another.

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