Reading Contract
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Completion of Reading Contract
Work was more than 1 week late
Work was 3 - 5 days late
Work was 1 - 2 days late
Work was completed on time.
Completion of Set Questions
There were some questions left unanswered from the compulsory set ( 1-8).
All questions were answered but little detail was evident.
All questions were answered sufficiently.
All questions were answered in detail including one or more extension questions.
Presentation of Work
Work was not presented in an organized or neat manner at all.
Little attempt was made to present work in an organized or neat manner.
Work presented was of a satisfactory standard for what is expected at Year 5.
Work presented was extremely neat and showed excellent skills in planning and organizing skills.
Reading Aloud.
Student required help to read text aloud or refused to have a go at all.
Student was happy to have a turn reading aloud but required some assistance in decoding unfamiliar words.
Student was happy to have a turn reading, required minimal assistance with unfamiliar words but lacked fluency and expression.
Student read very well, with both good fluency and expression.
Self Assessment
I did not put much time and effort into this Reading Contract.
I put a little time and effort into this Reading Contract.
I put a good amount of time and effort into this Reading Contract.
I put a great deal of time and effort into this Reading Contract.

Teacher Comments:


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