Selfie Poem
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Use of correct characteristics
It is obvious that the poem is not in the correct layout/form. The poem does not incorporate any of the poetry terms.
Parts of the poem are displayed correctly, while some of the layout is incorrectly displayed. The poem uses only a few poetry terms.
The poem is displayed in the correct form, line counts, or ideas that are needed. The poem uses many poetry terms.
The poem uses the correct form, line counts, or ideas that are needed for that type of poem. The poem uses multiple poetry terms.
The poem does not hold the audience's attention and lacks creative, original ideas. Ideas are not complete and seem to be thrown into a poem format.
The poem attempts to keep the audience's attention but includes ideas that are very broad or general. Ideas are not thoroughly explained.
The poem holds the readers attention but does not keep the audience wanting more.
The poem keeps the audience interested and presents original ideas that hold the interest of the audience and keeps them wanting more.
Information is difficult to follow and has no logical sequence for the audience to follow.
Audience is presented with information that is difficult to follow and jumps around multiple times.
Information is in logical sequence which readers can follow semi-easily.
Information is in a logical, interesting sequence that the audience can follow.
Grammar and Spelling
5 or more words are not spelled correctly and there are significant grammar problems.
3-4 words are not spelled correctly and there are many grammar problems.
The majority of words are correctly spelled and grammar is used correctly. 1-2 mistakes.
All words are correctly spelled and there are 0 grammar mistakes.

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