Short Story Lesson Plan
Name: ___________________ Teacher:
Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Teacher Teams "Teachers" will plan a lesson to teach a specific literary skill using an assigned short story.
Group was unprepared - seemed like lesson was thrown together at the last minute and/or that group members did not communicate responsibilities.
Group coordination was somewhat disjointed - as a result the lesson was ineffective or confusing.
Lesson was well planned and the group was organized - concepts were well thought out and activities were designed with "students" in mind.
The lesson was organized and effective - Group did a thorough analysis of the concepts to be taught and planned creative activities.
"Teachers" will include preview activities to frontload any information "students" will need to better understand the story.
No or very little preview activities which did not convey necessary information to assist understanding of the story and/or the literary concept.
Preview activities did not cover enough material to help "students" understand the story and literary concept.
Preview activities included most of the background information needed to help students understand the story and literary concept.
Preview activities incorporated all vocabulary; author bio info; social, historical, and cultural context information needed.
"Teacher" teams will guide "students" in the reading of the short story.
"Teachers" simply assigned the reading and were not able to answer questions from "students."
The choice of reading method seemed to be based on the easiest, not the most effective method of reading the story. Group members did not seem to know enough about the story to answer questions.
Group members selected an effective method of student reading and were able to answer most questions related to the story.
Group members effectively decided how students would read the story in the best (not the easiest) way. Group members were able to answer all questions related to the story.
"Teachers" will show how the literary device is utilized in the short story.
There is no evidence that the "teachers" understood the literary concept they were assigned to teach.
"Teachers" may not understand the literary concept themselves. As a result, they were not able to convey its usage to the "students."
"Teachers" were able to point out examples of the literary concept in the story.
"Teachers" clearly understood the literary concept themselves and were able to provide examples of how that concept is utilized in the short story.
"Teachers" will test whether their "students" learned the material through some sort of assessment.
The assessment was a joke - didn't test important or relevant information and/or was too easy.
The assessment didn't test understanding of all necessary information.
The assessment was effective in testing important information.
The assessment tested the understanding of all important information, was creative and/or well planned, and had students tie the story/literary concept back to the unit essential question.
Ideas and Scenes seemed to be randomly arranged. The final draft has more than 3 spelling and punctuation errors
The story is a little hard to follow. The final draft has 2-3 spelling and punctuation errors.
The story is pretty well organized. One idea or scene may seems out of place. Clear transitions are used. The final draft has one spelling and punctuation error.
The story is very well organized. One idea or scene follows another in a logical sequence with clear transitions. There are no spelling or punctuation errors in the final draft.
The reader has trouble figuring out where and when the story took place
The reader can figure out where and when the story took place but the author didn't supply much detail.
Some vivid descriptive words were used to tell the reader where and when the story took place.
Many descriptive words were used to tell the reader where and when the story took place.
There is very little creativity in the story. It is difficult to determine who the main characters are.
The story contains a few creative details and/or description, but they distract from the story. The characters are named but the reader knows little about them.
The story contains a few creative details and/or description that contribute to the reader's enjoyment. Most readers would be able to name and describe the main characters.
The story contains many creative details and/or description that contribute to the reader's enjoyment. The main characters are named and clearly defined. Most readers could describe the characters accurately.
It is not clear what problem the main characters face.
It is fairly easy for the reader to understand the problem the main characters face but it is not clear why it is a problem.
It is fairly easy for the reader to understand the problem the main characters face and why it is a problem.
It is very easy for the reader to understand the problem the main characters face and why it is a problem.
No solution is attempted or it is impossible to understand.
The solution to the character's problem is a little hard to understand.
The solution to the character's problem is easy to understand, and is somewhat logical.
The solution to the character's problem is easy to understand, and is logical there are no loose ends.

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